The Tiles are designed for Installation, in Kitchens, Fireplaces, Hearth and Bathroom but can be used elsewhere on vertical surfaces- they are not designed as floor tile, but as decorative accents.
If you choose not to install the tiles, they should be attached to and hang in a frame, for stability and safety. Although they have a notch in the back, the large tiles definitely need to be framed to hang correctly. Smaller tiles, such as eight inches and smaller, are easier to hang just on the notch provided.
If you are looking for framing ideas, you can search for "Handmade Quarter Sawn Oak Frames" or "Arts and Crafts Oak Frames" on Pinterest, and you will find a beautiful array of frames by individual craftspersons. If you would like to find a craftsperson to make your frame, once you have the tile in your possession, then you can measure your actual tile, and contact a craftsperson through Etsy online- just search with the words "Etsy handmade oak frames arts and crafts"
OR better yet~ you can look up a local carpenter and show him or her what your ideas are and see if they would like to make them for you.
Once your frames are made and you have them ready to accept your tile- to install your tile you can use
PL Construction Cement glue to adhere them. (It is suggested to use the glue somewhat liberally, however important to keep the glue away from the edge of the tiles by at least one or two inches, so that you don't have glue spilling out)
This is powerful stuff!!! so make sure you have them set in correctly- evenly and oriented vertically correctly with the hanging device the frame provides. Then let it sit for 48 hours flat before you hang your tile.
Frames for the tiles finish them beautifully. I always like to choose quarter sawn oak as the colour is gorgeous, but depending upon your decor, any frame colour will do!